About Eva

I didn’t always love to write. Let’s face it, I didn’t even know I could until my forties. But I always had in the back of my mind the bucket list item to write a book. Now, I honestly don’t know if I added it to the list with the intent of ever doing it, or if it was just one of those things you add with no intention of ever actually doing, but it sounds good. Kinda like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Never gonna happen to this chick.

I have however, always loved reading. I guess that love of reading was what gave me the push to sit down and take a story I had been noodling for several years and bring it to life. What I was not completely prepared for was how much I would love the process. From typing that first word, to holding it in my hands, to meeting others who love the story as much as I do. I’m completely hooked.

I’ve never been the sort of person to start off small and work my way to larger things. Nope. I’m a go all the way or go home kinda girl. ‘A Fury’ was already a huge idea when I started it, and then it started to take on a life of it’s own as I wrote. Before long, I’ve got a novel trilogy just bursting to get out plus ideas for two other books. Look for a lot more to come from me soon.

Oh, you want to know a little more about me? Well, I lead what I think is a relatively normal life, but what others would call insane. In between writing, I square dance, coach soccer, volunteer for The Keeneland Concours (which raises money for the NICU of the UK Children’s hospital, a great cause), spend lots of hours on the computer, either writing or managing social media, and I try to have a little bit of fun in between. I don’t get to watch TV or read very often, so it’s a treat when I find the time. I love Mardi Gras masks, Funko Pops, Arensbak trolls, marigold carnival glass and I’m not afraid to admit that I have an impressive collection of comic books. I live with my four dogs, Taz, Maggie, Beannie & Hopie, and my two guinea pigs, Oliver and Omen. I think if I could describe myself in one word, it would be “unique”. I think all of my friends would also agree. I’ve always been my own person and that’s just how I like it.
